The security of your personal information is very important to us. At PuppyGo we take your information you entrusted with us very seriously. We will do everything within our knowledge to protect your information. PuppyGo will NOT sell or make available your information to a third party at Please check the links we provide at for third party Private Policy, as we do not control the information they will or have collected on their website. Nor will PuppyGo be responsible for the any content on a third party website.

When you visit our site, we will ask your browser to place a permanent “cookie” (a very small text file) on your computer. If your browser is configured to accept cookies, it will accept the cookie and place it on your computer’s hard drive. We collect this information to analyze where our customers are coming from and how often they visit our site. We also collect certain technical information from your computer, like your IP address and the address of a referring web site, if any. This information will allow us to enhance our site to match our customer’s preferences. This information is used only for the benefit of PuppyGo and you, our customer.
You can visit our site without cookies if you choose to do so. However, please be aware that some features of the site may not function properly or may be slower if you refuse cookies. To visit our site without cookies, you can configure your browser to reject all cookies or to notify you when a cookie is set. Check the browser’s help menu to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

In order to identify who you are, we suggest that you register and log in when you visit our site. This allows us to provide you with your “Order Status” and other information that is uniquely yours.

Right to Access/Correct Your Information:
To protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections. You can correct factual errors in your personally identifiable information by sending us a request that credibly shows the error.
If you place an order with a ship-to address that differs from your bill-to address, we retain this information as well. You can modify or correct this information by following the procedure described above. Such information is used at your request to ship purchased merchandise and may also be used for marketing purposes, but will not be sold to any third parties.

What Information Is Collected:
When you choose to place an order with us, you are invited to log in (optional), so that we can identify who you are. As a newcomer, it will be suggested that you register for future identification. The registration page asks you to enter your name, a user ID, a password and your email address. You can update this information at any time by clicking on the “my account” link at the top of every page and selecting “update account information.”

Placing an Order:
When you decide to place an order, you are asked to complete an order form. The order form requires your name, billing and shipping addresses, credit card number, expiration date and CID#. You should also include other information fields such as your telephone number, to allow us to contact you regarding your order if necessary. This information is collected to make your shopping experience with us as smooth and pleasant as possible. It is used only for the benefit of PuppyGo and you, our customer.

Our site contains links to manufacturers and other related sites for your benefit. PuppyGo is not responsible for the privacy practices, security, or content of such websites. If you click on one of these links, you will be redirected to their website and, in doing so, you may provide information directly to them. Therefore, you should refer to their privacy policies to understand how they handle your information and what choices are available to you.

Relationships/Sharing Information:
PuppyGo maintains special relationships with a number of secure business partners. For your security or benefit, when you make a purchase, we may share information about you and the transaction with other companies for many reasons including verification, fraud prevention, credit card authorization, US Government policy compliance and shipping purposes. We also may be required to disclose an individual’s personal information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

PuppyGo may share account or other information when we are required by law (e.g., in response to subpoenas, court orders, etc.) or to protect our interests or property. This may include sharing information, at PuppyGo’s discretion, with other companies, lawyers, credit bureaus, agents or government agencies in connection with issues related to export compliance, fraud, credit or debt collection.

You agree that PuppyGo may use personal information provided by you in order to conduct appropriate anti-fraud and export compliance checks. Personal information that you provide may be disclosed to a credit reference, fraud prevention agency or US Government agency, which may keep a record of that information.

PupppyGo also shares information with outside companies that perform services for PuppyGo. For example, when a customer signs up for our email newsletters, PuppyGo will provide the customer’s email address to third party email distribution companies that transmit emails on behalf of PuppyGo. Your email address will not be used by these companies for any purpose other than for the transmission of emails for PuppyGo.

We may retain outside companies to assist us in managing our customer information database or to update and correct customer information for future marketing purposes. PuppyGo takes steps to ensure the confidentiality of your information and to make sure it is not used for other purposes.

PuppyGo has carefully selected a few companies to assist us in better understanding how our customers use our site. We will place cookies on your computer to collect information. The information that is collected through these cookies tells us things, such as which search engine referred you, how you navigated around our site, which pages you browsed, what you purchased and what traffic is driven by banner ads and emails. The companies analyze the information they collect from our site and return it to us through a secure connection. We use this information to help us understand your interests in our site and how to better serve you. It also helps us provide you with more personalized product offerings.

For more information about the companies with whom PuppyGo shares customer information, please contact us at